Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pet Love Mini-Challenge

My two dogs both love to sit in my lap and cuddle while I try to read. Cooper, our Bichon-Shih tzu, curls up in a tight, but fairly unobtrusive way in my lap and with the exception of wanting to be pet so I have to read one handed. Not really a help or a hinderance. On the other hand, Sadie, our Pug, takes up as much room as she possible can. She lays accross one arm and expects pets from the other arm. And at 30-35 pounds she's not always the most comfortable. That said, my wife gets it much worse as they sit on her at the same time and quite often lick her, especially her hands as she tries to read.


  1. It's nice when the pets like to read, too. I hope you get your comment situation straightened out. Happy Reading!

  2. It's so hard to get mad at them when they are licking your face, isn't it?!
