Saturday, April 18, 2009

7.5 down and going strong

Finished up lunch and still motoring through. Since my last post I've read another 54 pages bringing my total up to 184 so far today. This has carried me about a 3rd of the way into The Crediton Killings by Jecks. As ussual I like Simon the baillif and Sir Baldwin and there interaction is great. Also being a bit of a history buff, I like that this is set in 1300's. So we'll see where this one is going.


  1. I'm glad the Read-a-Thon is going well so far. Good luck!

  2. It's awesome you're enjoying it so far! I love the Middle Ages, so that book sounds really neat. :D

  3. Wow, you are truckin' along! Great work!

  4. Oh, that book sounds really good! I will have to look into it. :) Happy reading!
